As of right now the user cannot place anything down to defend themselves from the enemies.

The features are as follows:

Countdown/Timer - The timer is shown to the user letting them know when more enemies would arrive

Waypoints - The waypoints placed around the track is for the enemies to follow from start to finish in hopes of beating the user. The waypoint code is just to list the waypoints in the array for it to be then used in the enemy code.

Spawner - The enemies get progressively harder as time moves on. With the IEmnumertor function, I was able to put a delay on when the enemies spawn so it's not spawning in constantly or taking to long to spawn in. As time moves on, the enemies also are added up so wave 0, two enemies spawn in, wave 1, 3 enemies spawn in and continue on. The spawner code holds the big bulk of the features as it also has Mathf.Round() function which I used for the time.  

Enemy - The enemy goes through the waypoints in order, one by one until it reaches the end of the course. Once it does reach the end then the object destroys. The whole goal for this is that the user is going to have a health bar, when enough enemies push through, then the user loses unless defined otherwise. I can also adjust the speed at which the enemy can travel. This feature  transform.Translate(direction.normalized * movement * Time.deltaTime, Space.World); is used for the enemy to head towards the target waypoint in the course of the map. Nodes - These are basically the tiles that surround the track that the enemy travels too. This will be used for the user to place down (most likely turrets) so that they can defend themselves against the enemies. The code I have provided is also used to change the color to accommodate the user however I am still having problems with trying to change the color of Prefabs. I'm not sure if it's because of the shaders because I implemented the mesh renderers and mesh filter yet it still does not work.

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